Two Great Kits for DIY Taxidermy Skull Mounts

Two Great Kits for DIY Taxidermy Skull Mounts

Have you ever wished you could have the skull back from that big buck you shot way back when? Maybe the antlers got cut off before you thought of making your own taxidermy skull mount. Maybe state laws because of CWD prevent you from taking your deer’s skull across state lines and home with you? Or, maybe you have a great set of shed antlers that would look awesome on a skull! Fear not, Mountain Mike’s has a couple great options for using your own cut-off or shed antlers on realistic, replica deer skulls to make your own taxidermy skull mounts!

Record Keeper Replica Deer Skull Mount Kit for Taxidermy Skull Mounts

taxidermy skull mounts with Record Keeper kit from Mountain Mike'sTypically, when antlers are cut off a harvested deer, the skull plate is included. This helps the antlers retain their original spread as well as any record book status they might qualify for. If this is important to you, Mountain Mike’s Record Keeper kit is the choice to make. The top section has a notch for your rack’s skull plate. The kit includes 2-part epoxy and touch-up paint that matches the replica deer skull so that you can blend the skull plate with the replica skull (a.k.a. counterfeit skull). Taxidermy skull mounts like this take time to create, so be patient. Enjoy the process of creating your own art from your trophy! Just follow the easy instructions, and your buck will be up on the wall in no time!

The Skull Master European Mount Kit for DIY Taxidermists

european mount kits for deer skulls - dipped camo dipped flagBut what if your deer’s skull plate is broken? What if you have a set of shed antlers? Or, maybe you just want to keep it super quick and simple and cut each antler off flush at the pedicle so you don’t have to worry about removing hide and cleaning up the skull plate? Enter the Skull Master, the replica european mount taxidermy kit for the do it yourselfer that started it all here at Mountain Mike’s!

An Awesome DIY Skull Mount in 15 Minutes?

The premise behind the Skull Master kit is to make it easier, faster, and cleaner for hunters to make their own taxidermy skull mounts. The kit is ideal for shed antlers, or, you can cut each antler off flush below the burr. Purchase your kit according to the size of the bases on your buck (medium or large). Size up the antlers on the bases, checking for accurate spread, and grind the pedicles as needed for the original look. Or, you might be “that guy” who wants to add a couple inches…hey, knock yourself out, we won’t judge! With a good pre-fit established, we recommend a little super glue to hold the antler on the replica skull’s pedicle while you drill up through the pedicle’s hole and into the antler. Repeat on the other antler, then attach each one with the provided screws. Fully tighten the screws once you’re confident in the antler alignment. Next, just connect the top section to the bottom with the small screws provided. Finally, it’s time to hang your new skull mount with a european mount hanger, or just use a large-head screw or nail as Mountain Mike’s kits are cast with a built-in hole to accommodate! Check out our gallery of awesome mounts done by our customers! And there you have it; two great options to create great taxidermy skull mounts yourself with that big buck you just shot! Go ahead, get a pot of chili going, light a fire, and sit back & admire that great looking buck on the wall…you’ve earned it!