If you’re looking for some great european deer mount ideas, you’ve come to the right place. This article is going to describe several creative ideas for displaying european deer skull mounts. We’ll also include several photos of deer skull mounts for inspiration.
So let’s get the basics out of the way first. Typically a european deer mount is simply hung on the wall via a nail or screw that goes in the occipital foramen (the hole in the back of the head). Or, you can just display your skull mount on a desk or counter. Depending on the size and configuration of the antlers, the skull may or may not sit upright on a desk on its own. If it won’t balance, you’re going to want to either add weight to the bottom or attach it to a plaque to provide stability.
Speaking of plaques, this is a simple way of really dressing up your skull mount display. Plaques can be made or purchased in a ton of shapes, sizes, and wood species. Here is a
european skull plaque you can purchase, or always check YouTube if you want to learn how to make your own.
skull hangers allow you the freedom of displaying your skull mount in a variety of positions while keeping your mount safe & secure.
Hang Your Deer Skull with an Adjustable Skull Hanging Bracket
Stepping it up a level, displaying a european deer mount on the wall gets a little more interesting when you have freedom of the angle you display the skull at. In this case, you use a skull hanger to position the skull to the angle of your liking.
Adjustable european skull hangers can allow adjustment up and down, left and right, and some even side to side (x, y, and z axis if you remember your math!).
What are some other european deer mount ideas?
Hydro Dip your Skull Mount
An area for the most creativity in displaying your european mount is hydro dipping, or,
film dipping deer skulls. Although it seems really complicated, hydro film dipping skulls is something you can do yourself. There are kits available online, and YouTube has some great
tutorials on film dipping skulls. Another option is to purchase a replica skull kit that is already hydro dipped in a pattern you like. Check out this awesome
American flag skull kit.
Hydro (film) dipping is a great idea for displaying your deer skulls. There are tons of patterns available whether you do it yourself or pay a professional.
Display Your Euro Mount in a Natural Habitat Scene
If you didn't harvest the buck in your euro mount, there's a good chance you found a dead head in its natural environment. What better way to show it off than by creating a natural habitat scene to recreate the environment the buck lived in. You might want to contact your local taxidermist if you need help, but a cool habitat scene can be a great idea for displaying your european deer mounts. Check out this awesome mount sent to us by customer, Eric Jensen.
A natural habitat wall or floor/table display is an amazing idea for showing off your euro mounts! Thanks for sending us this pic, Eric Jensen!
Paint Your European Deer Mount
Get out your airbrush, spray cans, or tubes and bottles of paint with brushes and paint your deer skull! You have a blank canvas in a deer skull to express your creativity. Match a certain color scheme you already have in your home or cabin, or paint a picture that further cements the memories from your buck. Caution, if you paint real deer skulls, you really want to make sure it’s been thoroughly cleaned, degreased, and dried. Then seal it before painting. Use acrylics or lacquers and also apply a sealer when finished. One of the best european deer mount ideas when you want to paint the skull is to use a replica skull. A replica skull mounting kit like the
Skull Master from Mountain Mike’s is made of durable, injection molded plastic and is a perfect substrate for painting. Acrylic paint would be perfect on a replica skull.
Here's a cool skull painted by Mike Wiersma.
Light Up Your Deer Skull Mount!
This can be a really cool effect. Small, LED lights inside or under your deer skull can give a super cool look to your euro mount. A wireless, battery powered setup is ideal so you don’t have a cord hanging out, but strategically hidden cord isn’t a huge deal if strategically placed. Look for trimmable LED light kits for cabinetry at your local home improvement store. Better yet, give a look at the
Skull Shine kit made by Mike Carroll. Mike has made it super easy to light up your deer skull in a variety of colors, and Skull Shine includes a wireless remote!
A great idea for displaying your european mounts is to use an LED light kit like the
Skull Shine product from
Old Goat Outdoors.
Decorate Your Deer Skull with Colored Beads
Other cool european mount display ideas include gluing colored beads in patterns on your skull. Might sound kinda weird, but check out some of these amazing skulls that
Jana Waller makes for her customers. Beads and glue are super cheap and the design possibilities are endless, so give it a try or give Jana a shout!
Another great idea for euro mounts is to decorate them with colored beads. The possibilities are endless! Here are a couple awesome mounts done by Jana Waller. Jana does skull art as a career so check out her website,
paintedskulls.com, for more info about her.
Custom Carvings in Deer Skulls
Now we’re really talking fancy european deer mount ideas. Skull carving is a unique art form that lets you really express yourself. There are skull carving artists out there doing some amazing work! Check out some of these awesome pics of carved deer skulls by Seth O'Hara Bellamy of
SOB Skulls. More at
Carving deer skulls takes euro mount display ideas to a whole new level. These carved deer skulls by Seth O'Hara Bellamy are truly amazing. Check out
Seth's skull carvings website if you're interested in him carving a skull for you!
So whether you choose to just hang your skull on the wall as-is, or go all-in and start carving or painting your deer skulls, there are a ton of great
european deer mount ideas to be considered for your next skull mount. I hope these ideas will inspire your next creation, and be sure to
send us a photo of what you come up with!