Antler Home Decor

Antler Home Decor


Looking to Decorate Your Home with Antlers?

Mountain Mike's Reproductions offers a complete line of antler home decor products for those wishing to furnish and decorate their home while expressing their love of the outdoors. Made from a durable, cast resin, these replica antler home furnishings and decorations are meticulously colored for realism.

Real Antler vs Faux Antler Home Decor

  faux antler paper towel holder - home decor Shop antler home decor products now. Real antler home decor can be amazing, but it can get quite pricey. Finding just the right shaped antler for the task at hand can get difficult (function follows form?), and maintaining a cohesive look from item to item throughout a house is its own challenge. Luckily Mountain Mike's wide array of products in antler decor for the home are consistent in overall look. Mike used real antler and sculpted customizations as necessary to ensure great balance and design for each product (wait, form follows function?). Shop Antler Home Decor Now The result is a great line of antler decor products that are sure to please. Let's have a look at some of Mountain Mike's major offerings in antler decor for the home. We'll break it out by rooms these items typically would be found in, but they really can go wherever you want!

Antler Home Decor for Kitchens & Bathrooms

Think about all the different products to accessorize a kitchen or bathroom...the possibilities are almost endless!

Faux Antler Products for Bathrooms

For the bathroom, Mountain Mike's offers the following products: Of course, those items aren't limited to just a bathroom, but you get the idea!

Rustic Home Decor Products in Faux Antler for Kitchens

Kitchens are great gathering places! They offer the opportunity to make a statement to your guests about the type of person or family you are. Whether it's a touch of camouflage, a mix of barnboard and an earth tone color palette, or some deer antler decor, hunters and outdoor lovers can show off their love of the great outdoors in a number of ways. Mountain Mike's antler home decor items for the kitchen help bring everything together when going for that "outdoor feel" in your kitchen. Here are some of the faux antler (replica antler) products available for kitchens.

Decorating a Man Cave or Bar with Antlers

Every bar or man cave needs some antler, right? From antler hand towel racks, to soap dishes, coasters, and even antler pool ball racks, Mountain Mike's has your antler decor needs for a bar or man cave covered. Here are Mountain Mike's antler home decor products that work and look great in a man cave or bar. Lots of options, right! We stand behind every product and offer excellent customer service. Shop for your next antler home decor items at Mountain Mike's, thanks!